Thursday, September 19, 2024

2023 - till end of the year:

 This was a really "hard" year for Philately of Serbia!

From middle of the year, and till now, I have no material in my stock from this period of 2023 year. Reason was really bizarre or better say, illogical, and it start with some kind of political decision to cut all postal delivery from Serbia to Israel. No airplane to deliver mail from there, but I have one "reserve" option to do it by third party. And this third party (Slovenia, Croatia) decided same as Serbia.

So, I wait, and wait, and wait .... than, exactly when I decided to go to Serbia, "they" decided to renew delivery. Good I was there, so delivery by Post of Serbia was out of matter, good from it come that I, actually, saved a lot of money on postage cost.

Same this time, I will just show "the new issues", because it is a lot of it to describe each one separately. Need to mention few things for Serbia policy, in issuing postage stamps, and one that bother the most is quantity of issues per 2023 year that reach impossible of fifty (50) titles! After this first "problem", come sheet composition of some issues, which are still in sheet of five, or eight or ten stamps per sheet, but with all kind of gutters, tabs and the edge of the printing sheets! With this "material", it will be almost impossible to complete one specialized collection of modern Serbia. Third reason are "The Prices", even that there are (still) this "half dollar" face value stamps (Serbian Dinar are currency there), more and more come issues with "Full Dollar" face value/s, and when we take in account that one set are (mostly) six or eight stamps, than the value of full set can go to really expensive ten to twelve dollar per set which are printed in sheet of ten, so calculate it by self!

Fine, between all negative (and exist few more like design, or "unnecessary topic), can I mention something positive? Not too much, except one really nice design of issues like "Rulers of Serbia", or like "Protected Animals" (which I can say that with this issue, they made one really nice job), probably deserve to be mentioned this "Milankovic" issue too.

Hope that 2024 year material will come in near future, so I can show it to the public, and just to mention that exchange rate (as today) come: 

1 US$ = 103 Serbian Dinar

you will see, that some issues are really expensive but some is very affordable (like 100 year of Turkish Republic) where You have one mini sheet of less than one dollar face value, with small quantity printed, someone purchased all available FDC, and now, even regular subscriber can not have this item. Some kind of manipulation? Yes, I'm sure!

Let's start (continue from previous post):

22-2023 "Philatelist Union":

23-2023 "Rowing":

24-2023 "BalkanPhila Exhibition":

Here I need to mention, that this sheet of 8, are made in three different option, where gutter on middle are not same. Shown are just first (standard) option, and second and third I didn't received yet!

25-2023 "PostEurop":

26-2023 "Rulers of Serbia":

27-2023 "Chess":

28-2023 "Serbia-Egypt":

29-2023 "Petefi Sandor":

30-2023 "Joy of Europe":

31-2023 "Novosti Daily":

32-2023 "Art - Konjovic":

33-2023 "Air Serbia":

34-2023 "100 years of Turkey":

With this issue, we have an problem - NO FDC available on market!

35-2023 "Art - Sculpture":

36-2023 "Serbia-China - Belt and Road":

37-2023 "Castle":

38-2023 "Protected Animals":

39-2023 "Milankovich":

40-2023 "Basketball in Serbia":

41-2023 "Serbia-Slovakia":

42-2023 "Artist of the World":

43-2023 "Art":

44-2023 "Christmas":

45-2023 "Patron Day":

46-2023 "Culture of China":

47-2023 "Famous Serbian":

48-2023 "Friends of Serbia":

Really don't know which kind of friends they are, to deserve this title!

49-2023 "Actor - Bata Zivojinovich":

Postage Due # 4 and 5 of 2023 "Grape and Peach":

...shortly, prepare some "nice" expenses to pay if You collect Serbia Philately, and take in calculation, that any dealer will have sales prices more than twice face value (probably), because this high delivery cost around globe!

Good Luck (מזל טוב) and we will see what 2024 will bring us!

Saturday, September 16, 2023

2023 - beginning:

 I come with update, little bit late, as cost for delivery around rise too much, so decision is to made delivery twice per year, but any way, we are here!

Till now, Sept. 2023, Serbia made 25 issues, too much for one small country of 9M citizens and with digitalised Post Offices that don't use postage stamps in practice. Yes, postage stamps are valid, but managers see it as wasting workers time to keep in record stock, and applying it in desk, than using hand cancel to mark it, so they decided to use simple labels as proof for payment! Result will be (probably), that really postally  used material on or off cover, will be hard to find and complete in any collection, and find it in specialized collection will ask for a lot of tome and money (patience too)!

I will just show pictures and titles of each issue, because it is too much for now, to describe all information around each issue, generally, You can make calculation how much it can cost, with exchange rate of:

1.00 US$ = 110.00 Serbian Dinar

at this day Sept. 16, 2023.

This rate are for face value, and what I see in major catalogs, that value go for double of face value, but on internet sales, You can find it for 25-50% over face value, plus postage cost and plus payment fee.

So, good luck in finding this material on "exchange" basis!

1-2023 "Njegos":

2-2023 "Serbia-Germany":

3-2023 "Art - N. Petrovic":

4-2023 "Novi Sad - Fair Ground":

5-2023 "Vuk Karadzic":

Probably, this issue need to be mentioned, because sheet composition, which give us one page or really interesting design!

6-2023 "Serbia-Russia":

Important issue? For Serbia - yes! It is 185 years of diplomatic ties, a lot of time, a lot of culture exchange, and a lot of history written by this 185 years!

7-2023 "Easter":

8-2023 "Russian House in Belgrade":

9-2023 "Serbian Military Industry":

10-2023 "City of Nish":

11-2023 "EUROPA":

You know, as last year, this year again, they just miss "the point" with this design!

12-2023 "Stamp Day":

If You collect "Stamp on Stamp", than here it is!

13-2023 "Copernicus":

14-2023 "Mathematics Society":

This design is just perfect, really good job done by artist!

15-2023 "Nature Protection":

16-2023 "Metrology":

Really good design and sheet composition from which we can read and learn!

17-2023 "Hollywood":

You think it is adequate design?

18-2023 "Tesla & Pupin":

Two GREAT Serbian scientist that deserve to be on postage stamps!

They made our living on this small planet much better!

19-2023 "Slovak Settlements":

Really important issue! Slovak come to this place in 1795 - bringing hard work, knowledge, education .... and so on!

20-2023 "Postal Museum":

21-2023 "Mining Journal":

1-2023/3-2023 "Postage Due":

I call this small dimension stamps as postage due, but it is regular issue, that are used in domestic mail, but overseas too. There are Postage Due too!

We have here there issue, one is for "Internet Safety", second go for St. Sava Church and third is really beauty, "Flowers and Fruit"!

Don't think it is low valued on market, probably around one US$ per each stamps, but try to find it by this price - almost impossible!

So, that it is for now, hope, we will continue!