Tuesday, December 29, 2015

End of 2015 year:

In the end, I have all last issues from Serbia 2015 year!

Little bit too many issues this year, caused by some "happy" event that happened for Serbian sport, as Woman Basketball Champ or Water Polo Champ that deserved to be "written in history" on postage stamps!

Which one deserve special mention?
I think that "British Heroines" deserve great attention, as it is part of commemorating WWI, and to remember this brave woman!

Topics from all issues go from WWI to History, Museums, Stamps on Stamps, sport, an so on!

So, I will be "short" this time with explanation, as there is visible all information on each FDC as date of issue, and topic, probably you will need to know that exchange rate at the moment are somewhere at 1 US$ - 110.00 Serbian dinar, just problem are high, as every post administration in our small world will rise postage rate as soon as January 2016, mean, to obtain any issue in the future will be very costly as final price will go up.

Here it is:

21-2015 "Children's Stamp":

What was need for this issue I really don't know, as Serbia have one like this under name "Children's Week", so now we have also "Children's Stamp", not something that I will admire, but, if income will go to common cause, than, let it be!

22-2015 "Joint Issue with Slovenia":

What to say? Nothing!
FDC are poorly design, new format of 8+ gutter, now they added also tabs on lower strip - again, just to make collectors unhappy!

23-2015 "Museum Exhibit":

Fine, but small format, so detail on stamp are too small and collectors will hardly understand it. There is some nice cause on stamps as 200 years of the Saint Peter and Paul art work, 275 of the Monastery Studenica and 275 years of Saint Demetrius Icon!

24-2015 "Water Polo Champions":

Good event, and some "strange" color used on design!

25-2015 "Woman Basketball Champions":

Same comment as previous, what happen with designer really don't know, but, nice topical!

26-2015 "Two Centuries of Tradition - Serbian Army":

To be fair, not every country have so long history and tradition as country and not to say as organized army, so postage stamp of this kind deserve to be made!

27-2015 "Gymnasium":

This time it is Gymnasium in city of Krusevac! 150 years, and Serbia have many of this kind!!!

28-2015 "British Heroines from WWI":

Yes, continuing with WWI celebration, and very hard time for Serbian people and country - so British nurses helped in great war, to heal Serbian soldiers and civilians, something that can not be forgotten!!!
Good job!!!
Just to mention which one are commemorated on postage stamp:
Flora Sandes (1876-1956),
Dr. Catherine Stewart McPhail (1887-1974),
Elsie Inglis (1864-1917),
Dr. Isabel Emslie Galloway Hutton (1887-1960),
Evelina Haverfield (1867-1920),
Dr. Elizabeth Ross (1878-1915).

29-2015 "Stamp Day":

As usually every day, and this time, there is almost three same stamp on one!!!

So, it is end of 2015 year, hope that next year of 2016, stamps of Serbia will keep quality and quantity "on level", than collectors can enjoy it.
All of shown are still available to purchase, some in little bit over face value, and for some You will need to pay little bit more or even much more! All depend from who You are purchasing, where I can just suggest, keep Your dealer, and made deals from one source, as all Postal Authority worldwide go up with prices per shipping goods, and it will be much worse in the future!

Same way, I wish to all of my clients just
Very Happy New Year of 2016
many good deals that happen and lot of year to come to be together with me.