30 and 31-2007 - this is final, last issue in 2007 year, and they made it in joint with Romania. I don't know if it will be and expanding topic from Serbian Post, but it is named "Port and Ships of Danube River", because Danube go around many countries, it have an open possibility to made every year one issue with this topic.
I think that s/s from this issue are good , but set is little bit "small detailed", missing something, I don't know what, but have it feeling that it miss something!
We have here some option from dealer regarding this issue, where set of 2 value will cost us 2.26 $, FDC is 3.26 $, sheet of ten identical stamp (2 pcs) will be worth 22.60 $, s/s from this issue, with ship topical collector interest will cost 4.00 $, and one great design from FDC Romania issue, with both stamp (Serbian and Romanian) attached on it will go for 8.00 $.
125 yr of Serbia-Japan relations:
Here is nice topic for collectors with personalities topic, king topic etc - it is issued with pictures of Milan I. Obrenovic (Serbia) and Meidji (Japan) - standard issue, nice in design - worth to buy.
Single stamp is selling for 1.66 euro, and sheet of 8+1 tab is selling for 15.00 euro.