23-2011 "Airplane in Yugoslavia":
Great! Serbian probably wish to "take it for myself", but this plane was build in YUGOSLAVIA at the time, and it was some kind of "miracle" for country that was totally destroyed in second WWII by Germany. This plane come out from factory in 1957/1961 - so short period after WWII and "pop-up" one turbojet plane with RR Viper motor on it - great! I think that Serbia need to print it every year, just to remind today's politician what is possible to made with great wish, with bare hand, with country in ruin! Today - whole technology in Serbia, all money and DEMOCRACY didn't made even 0.00001% of it!!!!
Single "minus" that I can find is in dimension of stamp, it is not enough big that You can express all beauty of this plane, in printing sheet form - it is even better! Issue come out on July 20, 2011, single stamp will cost You 1.42 US$, single with gutter probably 2.00 US$, sheetlet of 8+1 gutter will cost You 12.00 US$. I prefer it for any collection - it is worth this money!
22-2011 "ZOO Park Belgrade":
Here we have one combination, that I can say freely - it is speculative! Why? Because it is issue in such form, that don't have any logic. Catalog will have hard time to find correct system to number it because this issue come in single stamp, and also in booklet format with different stamp from single one. You can say that it is set of 5 value? No. Are that two separate issue for one occasion? Probably! Good effort is made by "idea" of responsible person for this issue, because here we have one nice "word play" of BEO (in English it mean WHITE) with BEOgrad (city), BEO ZOO (name of zoo park) and four animal on stamp in white color fur! It is fact, that in Belgrade Zoo Park, existed this animals in white color!!! White Tiger, White Leo, White Eagle and White Kangaroo! GREAT! But also great prices! For booklet set prepare 5.50 US$, for single stamp prepare 0.62 US$ and two FDC will take from You 9.52 US$.
Issued on July 12, 2011.
Like usually, one stamp for "Holly Sava" church, and second is nice design for previously mentioned issue of "Digital Serbia" - this one is nice design of "mouse" in form of flower! In any way - it is worth to have it in collection, even that You will need to pay for any single minimum 1.00 $US.
Wow, new topic - but, I made it wrongly read - it is actually "Museum Exhibit" to celebrate 100 year of celebration of "Duzijanca" (some kind of ritual in past, where to celebrate end of harvest of wheat). It is introduced by one family and it go for almost 100 year, final act is to present wreath in the end of harvest to "owner" of field where is wheat harvested.
Design is relatively nice, two stamp in set, "Dom Gospodnji" church in Subotica and "Crown" from 1973. I wish to all countries worldwide to have this kind of celebration, even that it is mostly in Slavens "blood" to have "cult of nature and bread" - but I can say just, cult or not - it is nice issue!
For set of 2 stamp prepare 2.20 US$. Printing sheet will take from You 28.00 US$.
Nice and clever issue, yes - it is science to build it, even simple one and this three are really good project. Issue come out on June 20, 2011, three stamp, according topic also price differ - prepare 3.77 US$ for set! Commemorate bridges on Danube near Beshka town in Serbia, second is new railway bridge on Sava river in Belgrade and third is road bridge "Sloboda" (Freedom) on Danube in Novi Sad. Most bridges are destroyed by USA, GB and other NATO members countries in last civil war on Yugoslavia soil. Explanation for destruction was "...it is army infrastructure..." - very funny, not serious and ridiculous explanation from civilized countries like Germany, France, Italy and other NATO members countries - but, what to do - not every country care about self respect!
Every single year it come, "Nature Protection" issue, that I really admire. But why they can not made it design much better? This issue, when someone is looking from distance, look like more to "hell" panorama! It is designed to scare or to promote?
Here we have 2 value set, "Waterfal from Mokranjska Stena" and "Tufa accumulation Beli Izvorac" - You know where it is? No? I also don't know! But nothing terrible, because that we have Philately! But prepare for this set 1.92 US$. Issued on June 13, 2011.
You know, probably wrong will be to say, but - if my country suffered for so long period of this country (Hungary), and have very big damage gone by this country (Hungary) and not just once (Austro-Hungarian Dinasty), but few time (First WW, Second WW, last civil war on Yugoslavian soil) - believe me, I will never made any kind of "joint issue" stamp together!
So, politics didn't care about history! They made one single stamp on June 14, 2011 to celebrate 200 year of composer F. Liszt! On FDC is written: "...to commemorate, confirm and reinforce..." - GOD - to "REINFORCE" their friendly relationship! Hungary bombed, occupied, killed Serbian, and in last civil war on Yugoslavian soil, Hungary openly supported and supplied weapon to warring sides in opposite of UN prohibition to do it! As is - is, we Philatelist have one single stamp, that You will be asked to pay around 1.50 US$, not too much I think.
Year after year with no advance in medical cure for this problem. And - let's be fair, WHY ordinary people need to pay, collect money, think, fight on media for to resolve some medical problems? It is not enough that gov't take from us every months for health care (see Your monthly payment slip) and they need to made next also postage stamp? 30 years gone how we discovered this "poison", and nothing done to eradicate it! Shame! design is more or less in middle, one single stamp, You will need 1.42 US$, but printing sheet of 10 will take from You 15.00 US$ minimum! Issued on June 1, 2011.
16-2011: "Digital Serbia":
Probably (I really don't know), single country around, that made some Government Conference and declaration for! Government declared that every citizen need to have access to "Digital World", and it is very fanny to me, that some politician will sit and talked about BASIC right of every single human on this planet!
Set of 2 value, issued on June 3, 2011, yes - it have very nice design! One stamp related to this topic, with even much "clever" design is also in Postage due issue from this year. Value is good - just 1.88 $ per one set.
Idea was great, design more or less good, printing fell short! See this color, and tell me if it is red?! far away from red, magenta? If You lived ever in outside of big city, probably You know true color of this fruit! I know it well, and can say - that this color used in printing plant is NOT natural color of this fruit! Issued on may 27, 2011, set of 4 stamp and again gutter between. Printing sheet of 5 set - for set prepare 4.70 $ US.
On stamp You will find two kind of fruit, one is Redcurrant (Ribes rubrum from Grossulariaceae family) and Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon from Ericaceae family).
It is first time that I hear something about this topic, probably I'm not so old to "meet" this topic before, but, let's be fair - how many of us (Philatelist) even hear about? From FDC I see that "Biodiversity" issue are born in 1992 where till today 190 countries signed some kind of agreement/declaration. I see that it is lot of countries obligated for "protecting", but if we will go "out" and see how much "WE" protected, it will be very grave discovery!
Shortly, single stamp issued, with relatively good design, yes - it is worth this 1.40 US$. Issued on April 15, 2011.
We all know what WWF mean, my opinion is that every single country need to protect our nature and any kind of living on earth. But - BUT, if we made an effort, I think that it need to be well done! This issue, set of 4 value and gutter between, with due respect for artist and design staff - is almost like children painting in school, and more than that - it is not first time that is made in low fashion! Issued on April 4, 2011 - set of 4 value, in printing sheet of 5, with gutter on middle that made one complete picture - because that - specialist will need to buy whole sheet of 5 set. Worth? Probably, but price for sheet is around 30.00 US$ - if You ad postage, payment charge etc - it will go to around 40-45.00 US$ per sheet.