2-2013 "Museum":
Issued on 20/II/2013 under name of "Museum Exhibits" of 50 year of the Historical Museum of Serbia.
I'm glad that Serbian Post still keep very good design on almost all issues. This one have motif of "The Gospel of King Aleksandar Obrenovic" and second stamp is with "the Crown of King Petar I Karadjordjevic", few really valuable items in Museum!
Two stamp in set, that is not so high face value (near 1.00 $), but - because popularity of this topic, it will have good standing on market, and what I see as now, it is asking prices of 1.81 $ per set of 2. Just if You will want also sheet of 9+gutter, prepare much-much more.
3-2013 "Easter":
like usually, religious motif, that come from frescoes (icons) of monastery church Most Holy Theotokos, in Sicevo Gorge, near city of Nis (Nish).
If You examine it more patiently, you will find one really masterpiece of this Icon, and design of FDC is even more better - together, it will fit every serious collection!
Set of two value, affordable face value, and probably on market will go for around 1.60 $, per set.
Issued on 1/III/2013.
4-2013 "Art - Musicians":
I don't know why, but I still don't like this design! Serbian Post have same design in this "opus" for long time, and - even that comparing it with other countries, is not good, I must to say, that it is designed far away of quality that China made for Beethoven issue!
Here we come with issue from 4/III/2013, three value in set with portrait of Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) and local one Oskar Danon (1913-2009).
This set can be included also in "Judaica" Topical collection, because Oskar Danon (Jew), but also in "personalities", "music on stamp" and some more.
Face value for this set is more of 1.33$, and on market will probably reach some 2-3.00 $ per set.
5-20013 "History":
Simple to say: "GREAT"! Starting year with good issue are very commendable!
What they celebrate? 1700 years of Edict of Milan!
Most people (and pupils) around world will ask: "...what f*****g 1700 year?"!
Nothing that need to be forgotten!!!!!
At this time but "...this edict made Christian religion equal with other religions in the area of Empire, and condition were acquired so few decades later...".
Bad to know? Probably not!
Set of one single stamp and one m/s, isse come out at the 4/IV/2013, face value very near of 2.00 $, market have it from start on 3.81 $, and not so available around.
M/S will go to topic of "maps, compass, Italy, adriatic, seal/signet" and design of FDC of stamp are one masterpiece!
6-2013 "Red Cross 150 year":
Issue come out on 8/V/2013, single stamp, design that didn't impress me at all, I can say "poor", missing idea or what, I don't know.
Important to remember, yes, but it have feeling like "homework for first class pupils" - but, because topic, will have good rating in market - nothing more than that!
Single stamp with face value less than $, will be offered for around 1.50-1.80 $, just sheet of 9+gutter can little bit improve low grade for design!
7-2013 "EUROPA":
I don't know why, all countries around have same yellow color in use! Reason that most Postal Company, use yellow to paint all car and offices are not enough valid to "paint" also postage stamp in yellow filter!
Marking for this issue? Poor! Not bad, but just poor!
Two stamp like usually in EUROPA topic, with high face value of more than 1.80 $, where market will ask of 3.50-3.90 $ per set (which is still affordable). Sheet of 8+gutter little bit improve overall impression.
Date of issue is 9/V/2013 - can be included in "Car", "Citroen" and it is all what I can say!
Postage Due 1-2013:
Like usually, small dimension, and continuing with design from previous years, of "Avala" Tower (rebuild after NATO bombed it and torn down to the ground), "City", "PC", "Museum" and last is for "Anti-Cancer".
No FDC issued here, and no date of issue available yet!
On market, it will be minimum asking price of 1.00 $ per any single!
By way, to promote some organization where I'm an member with good standing for long time, and which made good progress in reaching collectors with better service.
There I also list some material/items from my stock, which can be purchased there, in the same way, You help financially same organization.
I talk about "American Topical Association" with new on-line sales page: