Serbia 2024 year issues - what to say about?
Clearly - nothing good!
I start to ask (myself), if there, in Serbia, people that decide, organize, select (and so on), postage stamps program for year to come care about postage stamps, Philately, image of country, money that collectors will need to spend, or they - “they” just care about “profit in any way”!?
Probably, the last one is in question!
See: according to my listing, we have this “fascinating” 41 (or 44, depending how You count it) issues in the 2024 year! Holy Spirit! If I counted well, it is 6886 Serbian dinar, in the case that You take just ONE stamp of each printed in this year. According to the exchange rate, it is around 64.00 US$. Now, if we take into account that monthly salary in Serbia is around 750.00 US$, I will say, it is too much to take from income!
Design? What a design! There, from this 41, I can not mention anything that can say, or remind us, that this design is actually art! Postage stamps are one kind of ART, art that expresses the time we live, ideas, science, and so on. Even the issue “Nikola Tesla” was made in poor design! Single that I can say is more or less, good design, which was ruined by small dimension, is the EXPO 2027 issue (shown), which is not original design, but it is design “borrowed” from Yugoslavia 1967 year, issue for EXPO “67 (Michel catalog number 1216-1221, Scott catalog number 870-875).
And next what I wish to say, go for Serbia Post Administration (actually, a public company, owned by gov’t), that there is no way that with all kinds of “naive” decisions to allow a lot of stamp printing, companies will make stable income for the period to come!