Serbia German Occ. Scott #2NB15-18 FDC "Anti-Masonic Exhibition" (Left)
Serbia German Occ. Scott #2NB7-10 "For Our Prisoners" (Right)
Even that this two issues didn't come from new independent Serbia, I choice to publish it for some good reason. For long time, I search for this two items but it is really hard to find it in even good condition, and in perfect condition is even harder if not un illusion.
With Scott 2NB7-10, didn't made me so big problem, but with "sister" issue (Scott #2NB11-14) is lot more difficult case. I try to obtain it for one customer for almost two year ("sister" issue), but without result at all. Actually, client need it in sheet issue of 20+5 tabs, where tab formed cross on middle of sheet. Issue come out on 24 Mart 1942, named "For Our Prisoners".
This issue (photo Scott #2NB7-10) Local catalogue mint set valued it low 5.00$, but issue have some more printing combination, and according type, is valued from 10.00US$ up to150.00 US$, on cover with original cancel even can reach 600.00 US$. Here is catalogue numbers and prices for this (photo) set:
Issued on 6 Dec. 1941, Local catalog (SFK, 2003 yr) #649-52, FDC = 75.00 euro, Michel catalog 2005 yr, # 54/57, FDC = 75.00 euro, and Scott 2006 yr #2NB7/10 for set used valued it on 64.00 US$.
Second picture (left side) is commonly know by name "Antimasonic", actually issued for Philatelic Exhibition held in Belgrade (Serbia) at 1 Jan 1942 (which topic to celebrate New Year?!). Here is numbers and prices on catalogues:
Scott 2006 yr #2NB15-18, set used = 16.50 US$, Michel 2005 yr # 58-61, FDC = 55.00 euro, and local catalogue (SFK) 2003 year have for FDC = 28.00 euro.
What is point with this set? Except topic (Anti-Masonic, Judaica, Masons, German Area), it have also low quantity printed, 507 000 set issued, unsold quantity of 203 000 sets was destroyed after exhibition. With little calculation, we come to conclusion that around 300 000 visitors arrived to see exhibition(!!!!) take in account that it was an war period, occupied country, with daily fighting, no job, economy at low as can be and we can compared it to today's most attended world exhibition. Strange but true!
Where come problem? Hmmmmm - try to find it in perfect condition, and used with originally postally used cancel - just try, and You will see that it is impossible! I was in possession of few hundred of sets, but less than 10% was in fine condition. Just once I obtained full printing sheet, and it was without gum. Existed two type of FDC, one with black cancel (shown) and valued around 50.00 US$, and second type is in gold color, valued from 100-150.00 US$.
For my satisfaction, I go to eBay, and saw it there few sets for sale, seller placed starting bid at around 28.00 US$, with option "buy now" little more, at 32.00 US$. FDC I didn't see on eBay?!
What made this set rare and expensive? I think it is time, topic, quantity printed and destroyed in short period, country, add to it thick glue and standard paper plus war period, You will come to less than 10 000 copies that survive first ten years, today - I think, just few of it is "rolling" around globe.