Monday, November 27, 2006

Serbia #5 "Joy of Europe":

They issued this topic every year, starting from 1969, and Belgrade is host to european children from first till sixt of October.

FDC is showing some dravings by children, and on this one I can say, is one nice attempt to promote our young population and that what need to be worldvide.

Issued on 29 Sept. 2006, with two stamps, and what I noticed, it is in face value JUST in Serbian dinars.

Before they issued value in local currency together with value in euros, now they use just local currency - this have some message, I understand it like "slowing speed" with EU propaganda, and more concentrating on domestic money.

Again artis is M. Kalezic.

Serbia #4 "Museum exhibit - Bridal Jewelry in Serbia":

Really nice project, and visible "fresh idea" by artist, who is this time someone "new" on "market" (N. Skochajich - Belgrade).

Four value in set, in local currency, great design, and I think - worth to invest in sheetlets.

Again, issued in sheetlet of 5 set + tab on middle vertical row, which give for every set different tab.

Not common - but worth. Every sheetlet has own number on selvage.

Issued on 30 Oct. 2006.

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